
Blue Mouse Theatre - 2/10 Wurlitzer, Style 210
Seattle, Washington
1421 5th Ave.
Organ installation timeframe: 1920 - 1957
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Blue Mouse console
The Blue Mouse Theatre originally had a Style 210 Wurlitzer (opus #362) shipped from the factory in October 1920. Records shows that in 1927, "Buss" McClelland was staff organist and Billy Bilger played swing-shift.
In 1957, Bob Hansen of Bellevue, Washington purchased the instrument and installed it in his home.
In 1973, the instrument was sold to Jack & Mary Lou Becvar
who have installed it in their home in Kent, Washington south of Seattle.
The original two-manual console has recently been sold to St. Davids Church in Shelton where it will control a 2/6 Morton - Balcom & Vaughan instrument there.
The original blower for this instrument in now owned by
Jeff Fox of Bellingham.

Blue Mouse and Music Box Theatre marquees at night. Coliseum and Orpheum signage visable in the distance.

Blue Mouse "Fire Brigade" promo for the 1922 film "3rd Alarm."
Ad from the Seattle Post Intelligencer, c. 1925. Bobbed Hair starting Marie Prevost and Kenneth Harlan |