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Theatre Organ Restoration Supplies

Having trouble finding a particular part needed for an authentic theatre organ restoration? Check out the following list to see if we've found a source! The parts listed below have been selected as "best match" for the original parts in terms of material, size & color.
Organ Supply Industries and Arndt Organ Supply carry many other Wurlitzer replica parts not listed here. Send for their catalogs.
Supplier addresses, phone and e-mail information
description source part #
Stop rail lights
These are very close to the Wurlitzer originals, but may need some minor modification to shorten the stem.
Restoration Supply Company ELE007 ELE008
Stop rail lights
These are just like the Wurlitzer originals. No modifications necessary.
Crome Organ Co.  
Key cheek pushbuttons
These are the full-size Wurlitzer replacements with a white plastic face.
Edwards Signal 59
5/16" leather nuts
for Wurlitzer stop tab twill tie assemblies.
Organ Supply Industries 6410.04
Silver wire (#26)
for Wurlitzer stop tab contact wires.
Organ Supply Industries 5400.26
3/8" leather nuts
for Wurlitzer keyboard replacement.
Organ Supply Industries 6410.05
Wurlitzer replica contact blocks
for manuals and pedal.
Organ Supply Industries 0220.27
Wurlitzer swell shoe kick switch
for piano sustain, etc.
Carlton Smith Restorations  
Wurlitzer swell shoe potentiometer kit
10K Ohm pot. mounts to Wurlitzer swell shoe
Crome Organ Co.  
Wurlitzer thumb piston parts
Exact copies of the Wurlitzer originals.
Crome Organ Co.  
We welcome additions to this list. Please e-mail your suggestions for Wurlitzer, Robert Morton, Kimball or other theatre organ restoration parts to

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