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Calvary Christian Assembly Church - 3/19 Kimball-Wurlitzer
Seattle, Washington
Organ installation timeframe: 1942 - present
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Calvary console, c.1970. Console looks classical, but it's all theatre pipes in the chambers! Photo courtesy Jim Stettner
The Calvary Christian Assembly (formerly Calvary Temple) organ was originally installed as a memorial to Mr. E.R. Erickson in 1942 by Balcom & Vaughan at the Temple's previous "Hollywood Temple" site. The organ was based on a 2/12 Kimball (opus #6651) from Centralia's Liberty Theatre. The instrument was later moved to the present location, although the exact date is unknown.
In 1970 the organ was rebuilt and enlarged by Balcom & Vaughan as their opus 375-A. At this time, the major addition of Wurlitzer opus #697 took place. This organ was originally a Style 215 "Special" installed in the Hollywood Theatre in Hollywood, California. It was later moved to Lorin Whitney's Glendale, California residence. Whitney had the console enlarged to three manuals. Balcom & Vaughan did not use this console. Instead they installed a new classical-style console. The Wurlitzer console was purchased by Rick and Clayton Parks. It was used for a few years at the Elsinore Theatre in Salem before the current, larger three-manual Wurlitzer console was acquired.
The rebuilt/enlarged organ was dedicated Sunday, June 28, 1970. The guest organist was none other than Lorin Whitney!
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Main: Vox, Tibia & Tuba
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Main: Salicional, English Diapason, Viola & Voix Celeste
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Main: Post Horn, Tuba
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Main: English Diapason offset
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Solo: Flute, VDO, Diaphonic Diapason
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Solo: Oboe Horn
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Solo: Chrysoglott
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Solo: Oboe Horn, Clarinet, VDO Celeste & Diaphonic Diapason
All chamber photos courtesy Jeff Snyder 2006
The combined Kimball-Wurlitzer instrument has a total of 19 ranks, 1327 pipes plus two sets of chimes, marimba and chrysoglott. The pipework is installed in two, side-by-side chambers at the front of the church on the 3rd floor. The Main chamber with its Wurlitzer chest and mixed pipework are on the right; and the Solo chamber with the Kimball chests and mixed pipework are on the left. The Echo division is in a separate chamber. The Kimball ranks include the Contre Basse, Open Diapason, Salicional, Voix Celeste, Viola, Oboe Horn, English Diapason, Stopped Flute, Gemshorn, Gemshorn Celeste, Vox Humana, and the chimes in the Solo chamber.

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View from the tower, photo courtesy Jeff Snyder 2006

Stoplist and other historical information, courtesy Jim Stettner

Great  (Enclosed)
16    Tuba Profunda
16    Tibia Clausa
16    Contra Viole
16    Bourdon
8      English Post Horn
8      Harmonic Tuba
8      Diaphonic Diapason
8      Tibia Clausa
8      Open Diapason
8      Clarinet
8      Oboe Horn
8      Viol d'Orchestre
8      Viole Celeste
8      Concert Flute
8      Vox Humana
4      Clarion
4      Octave
4      Tibia Clausa
4      Viol d'Orchestre
4      Viole Celeste
4      Flute
22/3  Twelfth
2      Fifteenth
2      Piccolo
13/5  Tierce
Accompaniment  (Enclosed)
8      Harmonic Tuba
8      Diaphonic Diapason
8      Tibia Clausa
8      Clarinet
8      Oboe Horn
8      Viol d'Orchestre
8      Viole Celeste
8      Salicional
8      Voix Celeste
8      Viola
8      Concert Flute
8      Vox Humana
4      Octave
4      Tibia Clausa
4      Viol d'Orchestre
4      Viole Celeste
4      Flute
4      Vox Humana
22/3  Twelfth
2      Piccolo

Accomp to Accomp 4'
Solo  (Enclosed)
16    Tibia Clausa
8      English Post Horn
8      Harmonic Tuba
8      Tibia Clausa
8      Open Diapason
8      Clarinet
8      Oboe Horn
8      Vox Humana
51/3  Tibia Quint
4      Tibia Clausa
22/3  Tibia Twelfth
2      Tibia Piccolo
Solo to Solo 16'
Solo to Solo 4'
Echo  (Enclosed)
8      English Diapason
8      Stopped Flute
8      Gemshorn
8      Gemshorn Celeste
8      Vox Humana
4      Stopped Flute
2      Stopped Flute

Echo Pedal  (Enclosed)
16     Bourdon
8      Stopped Flute

Pedal  (Enclosed)
16    Tuba Profunda
16    Contre Basse
16    Diaphone
16    Bourdon
8      Harmonic Tuba
8      Diaphonic Diapason
8      Tibia Clausa
8      Clarinet
8      Oboe Horn
8      Cello
8      Viola
8      Flute
8      Vox Humana
4      Octave
Solo I...............(Tuba Horn, Open Diapason, Salicional, Voix Celeste, Violin)  
Solo II..............(Tibia Clausa)
Main................(Diaphonic Diap., Viol d'Orch., Viole Cel., Clarinet, Oboe Horn)
Vox Humana

Solo to Pedal                                        8
Great to Pedal                                      8,4
Accomp. to Pedal                                 8
Echo to Pedal                                       8

Solo to Great                                    16,8
Echo to Great                                       8

Solo to Accomp.                                   8
Echo to Accomp.                                  8

Echo to Solo                                        8
General                                           1 - 8
Solo                                                1 - 5
    Solo to Ped.                                 (rev)
Great                                               1 - 5
    Gt. to Ped.                                   (rev)
Accomp.                                          1 - 5
    Acc. to Ped.                                 (rev)
Echo                                               1 - 3
Pedal                                               1 - 5
Gen. Canc.
Toe Studs
General                                            1 - 8
Pedal                                               1 - 5
Gt. to Ped.                                        (rev)

Pedal Movements  (l - r)
Echo Expression                              (bal.)
Solo Expression   (Kimball)                 (bal.)
Main Expression  (Wurlitzer)                 (bal.)
Crescendo                                       (bal.)

Action:  E-P unit


Stops:  85; inc. precussions



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Calvary console, photo courtesy Jeff Snyder 2006

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